Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bankruptcy! It's What's For Dinner...

No, the Ephemeris hasn't gone bankrupt, thank God. But our printer has, which needless to say has left us in a bit of a bind.

When we came back from Sweden, I kept trying to call the print shop to schedule a pick up for Volume One. No one answered or returned my calls for two days, so I made the hour-long trip to their offices only to find no one there. A subsequent investigation turned up the fact that no one had been there for a week. Finally, on Friday, the printers posted a notice on their Myspace page that said that they had filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and would not be able to fill existing orders.

This means that I have to find another printer ASAP and get this damned magazine printed. I thought we were past all of this nonsense (many of you will recall all the trials we went through getting the first edition printed) but it looks like we're back to square one. We hope to have all the pre-orders filled within the next two weeks, and we sincerely apologize for this delay. It was truly beyond our control.

This also means that we're running low on our Volume II inventory. I was supposed to pick up several more cases of our second issue when Volume One's reprint was ready. So in addition to not having any copies of Volume One to mail out, we're also almost out of Volume II. We ask that you be patient with us- we absolutely will fill all orders as soon as humanly possible.

Thanks for your ongoing support, ladies and gents.

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